If you have not already downloaded the BitPay Checkout app, you can download it here:
To set up your BitPay Checkout app, you will first need to create an “API Token Pairing Code.” To create a token, you will need to access your API Token list under your BitPay merchant account settings found in the left-side navigation of your Dashboard. Click Payment Tools then click Point of Sale App.
When you create a new token, a pairing code will be provided that you will input into the device you would like to authenticate for Point of Sale Use. Click Add New Pairing Code to generate a pairing code.
On the BitPay Checkout App, click Get Started
Next, you need to name the device you are setting up BitPay Checkout on. Make sure to use a name you will be able to identify later.
Enter the pairing code you generated earlier.
The app is now paired to your BitPay merchant account. Click Accept Bitcoin to begin taking Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash payments.
After you have logged in, you will have the option to set your device’s settings. You can select the currency you wish to issue the invoice in. If you intend to use the Gratuity feature, you will need to add cashiers. After you’re finished with your settings, click on the back button on the top left and you’ll be ready to create an invoice.
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