This article goes through the process for setting up Coinbase in the BitPay Wallet and how to use the new Coinbase Oauth feature to make a payment.
How to connect Coinbase and the BitPay App
On the Home screen of the wallet, tap the Connect Account link in the middle of the screen.
Next, sign into your Coinbase account by tapping Connect Coinbase Account.
Enter the email address and password for your Coinbase account and tap SIGN IN.
Look over the permission requirements, change the amount of daily transactions allowed if desired, and, when ready, tap AUTHORIZE at the bottom of the screen.
Click Open when the prompt pops up. You will also likely have to check your email to complete the authorization process if this is the first time you have signed into your account on this device.
After you have completed the authorization process, you will see your Coinbase wallets in your wallet view in the BitPay app.
You can tap one of your Coinbase wallets to observe the transaction history, as well as manage deposits and withdrawals. This makes it easy to add and send funds from your Coinbase wallets.
Using Coinbase in the BitPay Wallet to pay
Now that you’ve connected your Coinbase account with the BitPay Wallet, you have the option to pay directly from your Coinbase wallets. Click the sending from wallet to select which wallet you would like to use.
You can pick from the wallets within your app, as well as any Coinbase wallet with enough funds to cover the transaction.
When using your Coinbase account, miner fees are not required for payments.
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