Using the BitPay PHP Lite library
This library provides a convenient abstraction of BitPay's cryptographically-secure API and allows payment gateway developers to focus on payment flow/e-commerce integration rather than on the specific details of client-server interaction using the API. This library optionally provides the flexibility for developers to have control over important details, including the handling of private tokens needed for client-server communication.
You must have a BitPay merchant account to use this library. It's free to sign-up for a BitPay merchant account.
If you need a test account, please visit and register for a BitPay merchant test account. Please fill in all questions, so you get a fully working test account. If you are looking for a testnet bitcoin wallet to test with, please visit and create a new wallet. If you need testnet bitcoin please visit a testnet faucet, e.g. or
For more information about testing, please see
This library was built and tested using the PhpStorm IDE; the source code tree is directly compatible with Other PHP IDEs. Library dependencies can be downloaded by executing the following command at the root of the library:
php composer.phar install
Getting your client token
First of all, you need to generate a new POS token on your BitPay's account which will be required to securely connect to the BitPay's API.
For testing purposes use:
For production use:
Click on 'Add New Token', give a name on the Token Label input, leave the 'Require Authentication' checkbox unchecked and click on 'Add Token'. The new token will appear and ready to use.
Install Composer
curl -sS | php
Install via composer by hand
Add to your composer.json file by hand.
"require": {
"bitpay/sdk-light": "~1.0"
Once you have added this, just run:
php composer.phar update bitpay/sdk-light
Install using composer
php composer.phar require bitpay/sdk:~3.0
Initializing your BitPay light client
Once you have the environment file (JSON or YML previously generated) you can initialize the client on two different ways:
// Provide the full path to the env file which you have previously stored securely.
$bitpay = BitPaySDKLight\Client::create()->withFile([FULL_PATH_TO_THE_CONFIG_FILE]);
$bitpay = new BitPaySDKLight\Client("CFJCZH3VitcEER9Uybx8LMvkPsSWzpSWvN4vhNEJp47b", BitPaySDKLight\Env::Test);
Create an invoice
$invoice = $bitpay->createInvoice(new Invoice(50.0, "USD"));
$invoiceUrl = $invoice->getURL();
$status = $invoice->getStatus();
WARNING: If you get the following error when initiating the client for first time: "500 Internal Server Error` response: {"error":"Account not setup completely yet."}" Please, go back to your BitPay account and complete the required steps. More info here
Retrieve an invoice
$invoice = $bitpay->getInvoice($invoice->getId());
Get exchange Rates
You can retrieve BitPay's BBB exchange rates.
$rates = $bitpay->getRates();
$rate = $rates->getRate(Currency::USD); //Always use the included Currency model to avoid typos
See also the test package for more examples of API calls.
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