Using the BitPay .NET Lite client
This library provides a convenient abstraction of BitPay's cryptographically-secure API and allows payment gateway developers to focus on payment flow/e-commerce integration rather than on the specific details of client-server interaction using the API. This library optionally provides the flexibility for developers to have control over important details, including the handling of private tokens needed for client-server communication.
You must have a BitPay merchant account to use this library. It's free to sign-up for a BitPay merchant account.
This library implements .NET Standard which is supported on MS Frameworks 4.6.1 and higher and .NET Core 2 and higher.
Getting your client token
First of all, you need to generate a new POS token on your BitPay's account which will be required to securely connect to the BitPay's API.
For testing purposes use:
For production use:
Click on 'Add New Token', give a name on the Token Label input, leave the 'Require Authentication' checkbox unchecked and click on 'Add Token'. The new token will appear and ready to use.
Initializing your BitPay client
Once you have the token, you can initialize the client for the desired environment:
// Testing
using BitPayLight;
BitPay bitpay = new BitPay(token: "H78Yiu78uh78Gjht6g67gjh6767ghj", environment: Env.Test);
// Production [The environment is selected by default]
using BitPayLight;
BitPay bitpay = new BitPay(token: "uh78Gjht6g67gjH78Yiu78h6767ghj");
Create an invoice
Invoice invoice = bitpay.createInvoice(new Invoice(100.0, "USD")).Result;
String invoiceUrl = invoice.Url;
String status = invoice.Status;
Create an invoice (extended)
You can add optional attributes to the invoice. Atributes that are not set are ignored or given default values.
var buyerData = new Buyer();
buyerData.Name = "Satoshi";
buyerData.Address1 = "street";
buyerData.Address2 = "911";
buyerData.Locality = "Washington";
buyerData.Region = "District of Columbia";
buyerData.PostalCode = "20000";
buyerData.Country = "USA";
buyerData.Notify = true;
Invoice invoice = new Invoice(100.0, Currency.USD)
Buyer = buyerData,
PaymentCurrencies = new List<string> {
invoice = bitpay.createInvoice(invoice).Result;
Retrieve an invoice
Invoice invoice = bitpay.getInvoice(invoice.Id).Result;
Get exchange rates
You can retrieve BitPay's BBB exchange rates.
Rates rates = bitpay.getRates().Result;
double rate = rates.getRate("USD");
Create a bill
// Create a list of items to add in the bill
List<Item> items = new List<Item>();
items.Add(new Item(){Price = 30.0, Quantity = 9, Description = "product-a"});
items.Add(new Item(){Price = 14.0, Quantity = 16, Description = "product-b"});
items.Add(new Item(){Price = 3.90, Quantity = 42, Description = "product-c"});
items.Add(new Item(){Price = 6.99, Quantity = 12, Description = "product-d"});
Bill bill = new Bill()
Number = "1",
Currency = Currency.USD,
Email = "example!@example!.com",
Items = items
bill = bitpay.CreateBill(bill).Result;
Retrieve a bill
Bill bill = bitpay.getBill(bill.Id).Result;
Deliver a bill
String deliveryResult = bitpay.deliverBill(bill.Id, bill.Token).Result;
See also the tests project for more examples of API calls.
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