By default, the BitPay dashboard donation form only requires the donor's email address and donation amount fields. If you would like to add additional fields to the form, you must do so by checking the boxes of the desired fields on the dashboard.
The additional required fields you can add to the donation form are:
- Name
- Email address
- Mailing address
- Phone number
- Employer
- Job title
- City of employment
You may also add parameters that modify how the form functions, such as:
- Max donation enforcement
- Max donation amount
- Currency type
TIP: Our testing environment is a great way to experiment with changes without affecting your live donation form.
Below you can see some examples of the settings page both without any extra information required, and what your donation page can look like with some of the boxes checked.
The BitPay donation form’s custom options allow you to decide what information you want from your donors. If you have any questions about your donation form, please reach out to our support team using our support form.
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